Thursday, October 30, 2008


QuirkAlone may be the outlet and arena I have been looking for. I'd rather not butcher the mission statement of this site, so here's their "About Us" page:

Who We Are

Quirkyalones are people who enjoy being single (but are not opposed to being in a relationship) and prefer being single to dating for the sake of being in a relationship.

Quirkyalone is not anti-love. It is pro-love. It is not anti-dating. It is anti-compulsory dating. We tend to be romantics. We prefer to be single rather than settle. In fact, the core of quirkyalone is the inability to settle. We spend a signficant chunk of our lives single because we hold relationships to a high standard.

Are quirkyalones loners? Not necessarily. Quirkyalones often value friendship very highly. We're often very social people. But we do value occasional solitude. Quirkyalones are often creative and need time alone to allow thoughts to fully form.

It's Not Just For Single People

Quirkyalones is a mindset that transcends relationships status. It's a newly articulated set of ideas about being in single and in relationships expressed through a set of vocabulary‹quirkyalone, quirkyslut, and quirkytogether‹that's designed to inspire conversation in a fun, ironic way.

It's a tool for conversation about singledom and relationships in a new era where unmarried households are becoming a majority.

A quirkyalone can also be quirkytogether (quirkyalone in a relationship). A quirkyslut maintains high standards for a romantic relationship, but becomes more flexible for the Saturday (or even Tuesday) night encounter.

(My emphasis added)

Oh! It's websites like these that give me a boost on days when my usually optimistic attitude is running low. Last night, I had quite the epiphany regarding dating...I'm super tired now (and in Chicago needing to sleep to prepare for my conference tomorrow!), but I have the intention of posting more about it within the next couple days. I know I've sworn off blogging about my love life, but my epiphany certainly presents a number of ideas that I feel transcend my love life. For now -- I'm signing out with my results from taking the "Are you QuirkyAlone?" Quiz:

Very quirkyalone:
Relatives may give you quizzical looks, and so may friends, but you know in your heart of hearts that you are following your inner voice. Though you may not be romancing a single person, you are romancing the world.

Romancing the world! That's exactly how I'd explain it :)

1 comment:

Amy Eaton Rutledge said...

I took the quiz- no shock here.

Your score was 80. Somewhat quirkyalone (otherwise known as quirkytogether):
You are probably part of a mysterious group of people, the quirkytogethers. You share many of our quirky qualities, but you manage to find yourself, on a regular basis, in a coupled situation. Interesting.